
CapGen Seeds increases its commitment to california pepper breeding research

New resistant varieties will be added to the company's GENO-RESISTANT Lt + N range next season.

The california pepper is one of the most popular and consumed varieties worldwide due to its sweet and mild flavor, its crunchy texture and the wide versatility it has in the kitchen. For these and other reasons there is already an established demand and its commercialization has a certain ease.

However, the cultivation of this type of bell pepper in recent years is posing a challenge for many growers due to the infestation of their crops with powdery mildew and nematodes. These diseases severely damage the production and quality of the fruit on the plant.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease characterized by the appearance of a white or grayish powder on leaves, stems and fruit on plants. This powdery coating weakens the plant by minimizing its ability to photosynthesize and causes a reduction in plant growth and yield.

On the other hand, nematodes are a pest of microscopic worms that settle in the soil and feed on the roots and tissues of the plant. They cause yellowing or wilting causing the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients to be lower.

Therefore, it is essential to select resistant varieties to be protected against these threats.

Gaudí, the recent incorporation of california pepper with powdery mildew and nematode protection for the late cycle.

Earlier this year we introduced the new variety Gaudi, a red California bell pepper with high tolerance to powdery mildew (Lt) and nematodes (Ma, Mi, Mj). Gaudi is a vigorous plant, with an open structure and small leaves, with a good nutritional and sanitary status during the whole growing cycle thanks to its powerful root system. The fruits have an excellent firmness, an intense red color and are square in shape with 3-4 lobes. Its G size is ideal for the domestic market and for export in wholesale and cooperatives. The variety is of continuous production and is recommended for late cycles in Almeria.


All these characteristics make Gaudí a robust variety and an interesting option for growing.

The R+D+i department informs us that they are redoubling their efforts in the line of research against these problems that cause leaf spots and a significant reduction in production and fruit quality. New varieties resistant to powdery mildew and nematodes are being developed to avoid this damage and maximise yields.

A wide range of genetic material with this compact resistance package is expected to be available next season for both early and late cycles, as these new varieties being developed are in their penultimate stage and will be added to the company’s new GENO-RESISTANT pepper range.



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