Legal Notice


In compliance with the duty of information established in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the website is Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. [Capital Genetic].

The identification and contact details of the owners of the website are as follows:

  • Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Almeria, Book 0, Volume 317 Sheet AL 3195 In 1F Folio 199.
  • With registered office for these purposes in Carretera de Zamora 2738, 04738, Vícar, Almería (Spain).
  • CIF B-04668323
  • Cell: +34 950 539 560
  • E-mail: [email protected]



This Legal Notice establishes the general conditions of use that regulate the access, navigation and use of the website (hereinafter, Website), as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents. Additionally, the provision of certain services or activities within the framework of the Web Site may also be subject to other specific conditions that may be established and, where appropriate, replace, supplement and/or modify the general conditions of use of this Legal Notice.

2.2.- This Web Site is a service that Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. makes available to Internet users for information purposes, and may make any changes it deems appropriate in its design, configuration and contents at any time and without prior notice.

2.3.- The access and use of this Web Site confers the visitor the condition of USER and implies full and unreserved acceptance, from said access and/or use, of each and every one of the conditions of use that Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. includes in this Legal Notice, in the version published at the time of accessing it. In this sense, USER shall be understood as the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities developed on the Website.

2.4.- The USER undertakes to make correct use of the Website, in accordance with the applicable laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this Legal Notice, being liable to Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. and to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of a breach of this obligation.


3.1.- Access to this Website is free and free of charge, except for the cost of connection to the telecommunications network provided by the operator contracted by each USER.

3.2.- The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. Therefore, the USER undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes not to use them for, among other uses:

Use false identities, or impersonate the identity of other users in the use of the Website or its services.

Introduce into the network computer viruses or perform actions likely to alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors or damage to electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. or third parties, as well as hinder the access of other users to the Website and its services through the massive consumption of computer resources through which Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. provides its services.

Attempt to access and, if applicable, use the e-mail accounts of other users.

Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents of the Website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the prior and express authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights.

Introduce or incorporate as their own business or professional activity the contents and/or services presented on this Website.

Infringe any intellectual or industrial property rights derived from the contents of the Website.

Use the contents and/or information of any kind obtained through this Web Site to carry out advertising or promotional activities, send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes, or to collect, market or disclose in any way such information.

Use this Web Site, or the contents and/or services obtained therein, to carry out activities contrary to the law, morality, good customs or public order, with illicit or prohibited purposes or effects, or harmful to the rights and interests of third parties.

Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website at any time and without prior notice, as well as to interrupt the provision of any or all of the services provided through the Website, whether for technical or security reasons, or for any other reason.



4.1.- Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. is committed to the treatment of personal data in a way that respects the rights of their owners, and in accordance with the data protection regulations in force at any given time.

4.2.- In the “Privacy Policies” section of the Website, the USER has permanent access to the legal information or privacy policy corresponding to the different data processing carried out by Capital Genetic EBT, S.L., in relation to the management of data of users of the website, followers in social networks, candidates, etc.

In the event that the USER voluntarily completes any of the online data collection forms available on the Website, in order to access some of its services or contents, he/she undertakes to provide accurate and truthful data, as well as to inform Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. of any changes to such data. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the data requested in our forms are necessary to process your request.

In any case, in the corresponding online form for the collection of personal data of the USER, a link will be included to the corresponding privacy notice that will be applicable to the processing of the personal data provided. The express acceptance by the USER of the corresponding privacy notice will be necessary for the form to be considered completed and for the sending process to be completed. The content of this privacy policy may be subject to modification in order to adapt it to legislative changes that may occur, as well as to criteria and positions issued by the competent Data Protection Authorities.

4.4.- If a USER provides personal data of other natural persons, he/she is obliged to comply, in relation to such data, with all obligations arising from the data protection regulations in force, and in particular the duty to inform and obtain the consent of the owner of the personal data.

4.5.- Children under 13 years of age are not allowed to provide their personal data through the Website, being necessary the prior express authorization of their parents or guardians. In any case, this Web Site is not directed to minors.


5.1.- All the elements of the Website (including, but not limited to, source codes, databases, design, images, photographs, drawings, graphics, animations, applications, search engines, pages, logos, trademarks and trade names) are the property of Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. or have been transferred to it (unless otherwise expressly indicated). Therefore, the rights of authorship and exploitation in all its extension and modalities are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations, the infringement of which constitutes an illicit and criminal activity.

5.2.- Under no circumstances shall it be understood that the access and navigation of the USER on the Website implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights by Capital Genetic EBT, S.L., nor that it confers the USER any right to use, translate, adapt, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate, for commercial purposes, said contents, without the prior and express authorization of Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. or the owner of the affected rights. Failure to comply with the above will entitle Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. or the holders of the corresponding rights to take appropriate legal action.

5.3.- The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights are prohibited.

5.4.- The reproduction (printing and downloading) of extracts of the contents of the Portal or Web site is authorized only for personal or private use, or for research or study purposes.


All trademarks, logos and anagrams displayed on this site are the property of Capital Genetic EBT, S.L., or third party companies. It is expressly forbidden to use, without prior consent, any element of this website that is subject to protection in accordance with current legislation on industrial property. In particular, trademarks, trade names, business signs, names, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to the Owner may not be used.


7.1.- The content of this Web Site is for information purposes and to create a communication channel with the USERS, and its contents cannot be considered as exhaustive advice on any subject. Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. does not fully guarantee access to all content, nor its completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose. Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind arising from, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the Website, or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents. However, Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to the USERS.

Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. is not responsible for the use that the USER makes of the services and contents of the Website. The USER acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website, as well as its services and contents, is done at his/her sole risk and responsibility.

The USER will be solely responsible for the contributions and comments made on this Website, especially through its Blog, and Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. reserves the right to remove from it those that, at its discretion, it considers inappropriate and not being responsible for the comments made by the USERS.


8.1.- In the event that the Website contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. shall not exercise any control over such sites and content. Under no circumstances will Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. assume any responsibility for the contents of the linked websites, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, truthfulness, legality or validity of any material or information contained in any of these hyperlinks or other Internet sites. In this sense, if the USERS have effective knowledge of the unlawfulness of activities carried out through these linked websites of third parties, they must immediately inform Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. so that the link to them can be disabled.

8.2.- Likewise, the inclusion of any type of link by Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. to other Internet sites does not imply that there is any type of relationship, association, collaboration or dependence between Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. and the owner of the third party website.


Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to this Website and/or to the contents and services offered therein, without prior notice, to those USERS who do not comply with these general conditions of use or the particular conditions that may be established.


10.1.- In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of these general conditions of use and the particular conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.

10.2.- If any provision or content of this Legal Notice is declared null and void or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by a final decision by a competent Court or Tribunal, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions of the conditions of use, which shall remain valid for all purposes.

10.3.- The non-exercise or execution by Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. of any right or provision contained in these conditions of use shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed to in writing.

10.4.- Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. may modify all or part of the conditions set forth herein at any time, and such modifications shall be effective from the moment of their publication on this Web Site.


Access to certain sections of this Web site is protected by user code and password (to be established when completing the registration form), these being your credentials and with respect to which, the user acquires the following commitments:

– The access credentials are personal and non-transferable, they identify the user on the Web site being the responsibility of the user to keep them secret. Therefore, the user will be responsible for all actions carried out with his/her access credentials.

– The user will inform Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. of any unauthorized use of his/her credentials or any other security incident as soon as he/she becomes aware of it.


Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. may be present, currently or in the future, in social networks on the Internet, where it deems appropriate to establish a presence.

These spaces will be considered official, not assuming responsibility for the use or content provided in any other accounts or open spaces in social networks by third parties. Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. will not assume responsibility for the use or content provided through accounts or open spaces by its public officials, created in a particular way in the private sphere or through a political party or other group to which they belong.

Capital Genetic EBT, S.L., as administrator of its own instances in such networks, may decide not to publish and/or delete any content published therein.

In any case, the User is solely responsible for the content that, if any, is published in these social networks of Capital Genetic EBT, S.L., being fully applicable to social networks the general conditions and terms of use of the Portal and the electronic site above; and without prejudice to the application of the conditions and terms or policies established by the social network itself.

In addition, we inform that the Web site integrates, where appropriate, plugins or plugins of social networks, with respect to which should take into account the following:

If you are registered as a user in the social network (Facebook, Twitter) and when visiting this Web site of the you have the session open in any of these social networks, when you “click” on their plugins, the social network will receive the information that indicates to you and that you have visited the Site. In addition, it will provide information about your user profile of that social network (name, email, photo, etc.).

If you are not registered with the social network, or are not logged in while visiting the website, the social network may at least receive and store your IP address.

If you do not want a social network to collect your personal data, or share it with us or any third party, please refer to the privacy policy of the relevant social network and log out of the social network before visiting this website. You may also delete existing cookies that have been set by the social network on your computer using your browser functions.


The relations established between, as the owner of this Website, and the USER, shall be governed by the provisions of the regulations in force regarding the applicable law and competent jurisdiction. However, in those cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, Capital Genetic EBT, S.L. and the USER, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Almeria.

Do you need more information or need us to contact you? Feel free to fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible: