In recent months we have managed to increase sales of our tomato rootstock in the Eurasian area. This rootstock has proven to be highly compatible with tomato crops in various regions of the world, allowing an optimal use that this brings to the plant, achieving a significant improvement in fruit quality, disease resistance and production in difficult soils.
Mozart is a plant that is grafted with other tomato varieties in order to improve their adaptation to the environment, to strengthen them against biotic and abiotic stress and to increase their generative development. It is a medium-high vigour rootstock, with a root system that stimulates vigour and resistance. It is ideal to cope with long cycles and adverse factors in the crop. Among its advantages are the increase in fruit size, uniformity, better colouring and firmness of the tomatoes. Mozart is the result of years of research and selection.
Thanks to the final satisfaction of the clients with the rootstock and the collaboration with different distributors, the company has managed to increase its sales in European countries such as Spain, Italy and Turkey and in Eastern countries such as China, Pakistan and India.
“Mozart is designed to provide excellent conditions for tomato cultivation,” says Lucas Ruiz, tomato development manager. “It helps to increase tomato production and fruit quality by stimulating the plant’s development and improving its ability to absorb nutrients,” Ruiz adds. “It makes the plant resistant to important tomato pests and diseases such as tomato mosaic virus and root nematodes”, explains Lucas.

This increase in sales is good news for the agricultural sector and for sustainability.
The rootstock is a real improvement for growers, we have seen that Mozart has allowed the cultivation of tomatoes in poor soils and has improved the harvest of the plant in general. From CapGen Seeds we want to convey that we continue to work on the development of new tomato rootstocks. One of the company’s objectives is to obtain a complete catalogue that covers all the needs of the different varieties and types of tomato.
CapGen Seeds is a company specialised in the production of vegetable seeds, with a focus also on papaya and rootstocks. We have a team of expert breeders who have extensive experience in plant breeding and have developed a wide range of products. We offer varieties of different typologies adapted to the agricultural needs of different countries all over the world.