Papayalab CapGen Seeds

Opportunities through Papaya Innovation

Welcome to papayalab tech day

We are pleased to announce the launch of papayalab tech day, an innovative event designed to explore new frontiers in the world of papaya. This first technical day will bring together experts, researchers, growers and industry enthusiasts to share knowledge, experiences and perspectives on papaya cultivation.

During this intensive day of learning and collaboration, papayalab will offer a wide range of activities, including keynote lectures and networking sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends, technologies and best practices in papaya cultivation, as well as exchange ideas and network with colleagues from around the world.

At papayalab, we will explore key topics such as agricultural innovation, sustainability, pest and disease management, genetic improvement, marketing and much more. Our goal is to foster an open and constructive dialogue that inspires the development of creative and effective solutions to current and future papaya challenges.

Whether you are an experienced grower, a passionate researcher, or simply a papaya enthusiast, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and collaboration. Together, we can pave the way to a brighter and more prosperous future for the papaya industry.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of papayalab and contribute to the advancement of the European papaya!


9h Opening of the day

9.30h First steps for papaya cultivation

Asensio Navarro – Vitalplant

10h Protected papaya cultivation in southeastern Spain

Irene Salinas – Universidad de Almería

10.30h Coffee break

11h Papaya cultivation in the subtropical zone under greenhouse conditions

Juan Cabrera – CapGen Seeds

11.30h Experience of papaya cultivation in Almeria

Pepe Montiel – Tropical Almanzora

12h Debate: Current situation and perspectives of papaya

12.30h Closing of the I papayalab Tech Day


May 28 - 9h

B&B Hotel Vícar (Almería)

Parque Comercial Viapark, Autopista A7, Salida KM800


Registration is free of charge with limited places:



[email protected]

+34 682 20 76 91